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Quality Gas Line Painting

in Norfolk County

Did you know?

In Ontario, homeowners must paint their gas lines for safety. Neglecting them can lead to corrosion and potential leaks. Regular painting and inspections keep your property safe from said danger. We're here to handle this task for you.

Our Team

Dedicated. Skilled. Passionate.

Meet the exceptional duo at Pristine Piping. Two hardworking gentlemen who are committed to providing top-notch assistance. We aim to deliver the best solution for your gas line needs. Our team consists of Kevin and Alex, who work together to ensure that every project is completed to the highest standards.

Book a Gas Line Service

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Our Story

Pristine Piping is a gas line painting service founded by Kevin and Alex, licensed Gas Technician. Our goal is to provide a professional service, honest estimates, and helpful consultations to homeowners in Norfolk County. Our innovative services include inspecting gas lines for corrosion and offering painting services. We take pride in our work and always put your needs first. Our knowledge is here to help you every step of the way, because we know what it's like to be in your shoes. At Pristine Piping, we offer a top-quality service and ensure exceptional results from the very beginning.

We value your time and stand behind our Work.

Sincerely, Kevin and Alex

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